09.12.13 random thoughts

09.12.13 random thoughts

i’m stepping out of my comfort zone in the next few weeks…one thing that i always tell the people that i’m managing – never be afraid to step out of their comfort zone…because outside our comfort zone is a magical zone where dreams, wishes and everything else in between can come true…i want to practice what i preach and so for now i’m going out of my comfort zone.


next month the challenge of “building” something new starts. my heart can only be thankful… thankful because i was given an opportunity to do something great.   thankful because somebody believed in what i can become in the future 🙂  …it’s one of those moments when it’s like me and God giving each other a fistbump and saying “yeah!”  i want Him to be proud of me and tell Him…see God, i’m going out of the “safe” zone and moving into “faith” zone.


moving forward may not be easy…but i’ll move anyway.


search for this after watching Jobs the movie…i find this ad very inspiring and the tag line Think Different that comes with it.