April – Birthday Month Entry :)
it’s been one month and 5 days since i turned a year older…and that one month and 5 days were the busiest to date… i’m not complaining…i’m thankful…especially now, that finally, i have this few minutes to sit down, stop and write down whatever…so many things that i want to tell you…but the clock is currently telling me to write this as fast as i can for i need to prepare for tomorrow’s shoot…so many things that i wanted to write about but i can’t find enough words to describe those amazing things 🙂
one thing that i am most thanful for…i am surrounded with talented people…and one of them gave me one of the best gifts…version two point O of this dot com 🙂 you can visit her site at www.melizzaaratan.com …and the new lay out is telling me to post new and change some photos soon!!
so many things to do…and i have to find time to do all those amazing things on my list 🙂 i realized that dreams require actions and we must be willing to undergo the process of achieving those…we must find time.
anyway, i want to share the ff lines that i got from the remake movie of FAME…in my opinion, the best description of success –
Success is waking up every morning so excited that you literally fly out the door.
Success is connecting with the world and making people feel.
Success is falling asleep at night knowing you did the best job you could.
and the ff lyrics will always inspire me –
I’m gonna live forever
I’m gonna learn how to fly (High)
I feel it coming together
People will see me and cry
(Fame) I’m gonna make it to heaven
Light up the sky like a flame
(Fame) I’m gonna live forever
Baby, remember my name
good night 🙂
(illustration by Melizza Aratan at www.melizzaaratan.com)