Eric and Cris Wedding

Eric and Cris Wedding

what makes this wedding special – this is the church wedding of eric and cris…their renewal of vows after 10 years, 2 kids and truckloads of experience as married couple…looking at them, can’t help but think that forever is possible.

renewal of vows event by myra ho renewal of vows event by myra ho yellow bouquet at renewal of vows event by myra ho make up by Toni Aviles renewal of vows event by Myra Ho bride prewedding portrait by Myra Ho renewal of vows event by myra ho bride boudoir shoot by Myra Ho make up by Toni Aviles renewal of vows event by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows at Alta Veranda photography by myra ho renewal of vows at Alta Veranda photography by myra ho renewal of vows at Alta Veranda photography by myra ho renewal of vows at Alta Veranda photography by myra ho renewal of vows at Alta Veranda photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho bride portrait renewal of vows by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows photography by myra ho renewal of vows at Alta Veranda photography by myra ho renewal of vows at Alta Veranda photography by myra ho renewal of vows at Alta Veranda photography by myra ho renewal of vows at Alta Veranda photography by myra ho renewal of vows at Alta Veranda photography by myra ho