finding time to finally say, “Thank you, February!”
looking back now, this was one amazing month. busy as usual…and i can only be thankful for all the blessings that i received for this month.
i am thankful for all the people who helped me out with the music video…everyone in the production, everyone who funded my dream…everyone who’s been so supportive…Thank you universe… i never really looked forward to this month’s commercialized season but for the first time in my life i became excited for valentines, although, the video was not released on feb 14, but still this got to be my favorite valentines day 🙂
i am thankful for all the people who brought the roses that my team is selling for our fundraising event… and double thanks for all those who gave me… not really the type of girl who collects roses (i collect greeting cards, notes, emails, ym conversation, sms…i value words ;-))…but i kept one as a simple reminder for winning the game.
february was a month of celebrating small victories, birthdays and goodbyes… oh well…life 🙂
just watched the replay of the Oscar awards… and after hearing the speech of Ang Lee, Daniel Day Lewis and Ben Afflect…i realized one thing that i want for my future partner to be…i want him to be a winner who will be proud to acknowledge me as his partner and share his victory with me… someone who will be proud of me…openly and publicly.
I want to thank you for working on our marriage for 10 Christmases. It’s good, it is work, but it’s the best kind of work, and there’s no one I’d rather work with. – Ben Affleck to his wife
february reminded me to dream big dreams because i have a BIG GOD… and that life may not always be easy, there will be frustrations and disappointments but as Ben Afflect puts it –
“You have to work harder than you think you possibly can. You can’t hold grudges. …And it doesn’t matter how you get knocked down in life because that’s gonna happen. All that matters is that you gotta get up.”
light. peace. love.
good night.
best days ahead 🙂